Virtual Meeting Option An Advance Transformation For Current Business Needs
Video, audio and graphics will be fed into the computer and synchronized and encoded for the web. If the meeting is to be broadcast live, the media is transmitted over the internet and delivered to your audience. Hybrid virtual meeting can also be recorded and uploaded for on-demand viewing and you can even have a CD created right there minutes after the presentation for distribution or for sale to attendees.Companies that have branches across the globe now rely on virtual meetings to help them collaborate remotely. Every business wants, strives and doe s its best to survive and flourish. First of all what occurs in my mind is how can communication tool assist this process. Web broadcasting provides a cost-effective and easy means to communicate with your target audience without having to convene. You can also create a knowledge base for marketing, business development and training. You can also extend the reach of your meetings and special events for those who were not able...